Houston Outdoors LIVE Backpacking
Public – Imagine, after a day of hiking through forests, mountains & deserts, you get to relax in a remote campsite using only what you have brought in your backpack. Backpacking is the ultimate way to get outside!
Houston Outdoor LIVE – join us in person. Or, check the LIVE event out online at our Facebook Live presentation. Both events run simultaneously and you can join the Q&A online or in person. Each week we take a topic, drill down as quick & deep as we can, to get you up to speed and out playing. We’ll take Q&A after the presentation to help guide everyone into outdoor summer fun mastery.
Imagine, after a day of hiking through forests, mountains & deserts, you get to relax in a remote campsite using only what you have brought in your backpack. Backpacking is the ultimate way to get outside!
One of the big mistakes of backpacking is over packing. Learn to keep your pack light enough to carry while still packing everything you need. We will have a packing demo and weighing-in session to demonstrate live the value of choosing your gear carefully.
Topics Covered:
– Getting permits and learning the system
– Food and water needs and options
– Backcountry toilets and beyond
– Building up to carrying your pack
– How to pack your pack – lighter is better
– What you need in your first aid kit
– Filtering water with several different types of filters
– Staying safe around potential predators
– How, where and why to hang your personal effects and food
Download the free #10Essentials for Backpacking that evening
Everything you need to know, buy, skip, learn and carry in a single, awesome Tip Sheet.
Take it on the road! Barely 50 miles north of town is the Lone Star Trail, 128 miles of backpack and hiking heaven. Check the Calendars for the next adventure – Bayou City Outdoors & HTX Outdoors
Event Date & Time:
- Date: June 7, 2017
Time: 6:45 pm - 7:50 pm
Add to calendar
Venue: Eleanor Tinsley Park
Venue Phone: 713.752.0314
Venue Website: https://buffalobayou.org/visit/destination/buffalo-bayou-park/#eleanor-tinsley-park
Address:Event Leader
Amy Hope
Phone: 210-504-8333
Email: amyhope@htxoutdoors.com
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