Houston Outdoors LIVE Kayaking 101

Public – Kayaking, it’s friends, it’s meditation, it’s adventure, it is whatever you want it to be. With miles of bayous, unlimited lakes and sea shores, we live in a kayaking haven.

htxo-10 Kayaking

Houston Outdoor LIVE – join us in person.  Or, check the LIVE event out online at our Facebook Live presentation.  Both events run simultaneously and you can join the Q&A online or in person.   Each week we take a topic, drill down as quick & deep as we can, to get you up to speed and out playing.  We’ll take Q&A after the presentation to help guide everyone into outdoor summer fun mastery.


June 14 – KAYAKING

Kayaking, it’s friends, it’s meditation, it’s adventure, it is whatever you want it to be. With miles of bayous, unlimited lakes and sea shores, we live in a kayaking haven. 

Topics covered: 

– What gear you must have and how to choose a kayak

– The best boat for a beginner

– Strokes, Cross Training, Stretching

– Avoiding arm fatigue

– Where to paddle

– Terminology

– Water safety & rules

– Finding paddling buddies


Don’t miss out. 

Be sure to download the #10 Essentials of Kayaking tip sheet. 

It covers everything you need from tip to toe to have you in a kayak and on the water in no time at all.


Ready to grab a paddle?

Join us on for a couple of featured Bayou City Outdoors/HTXOutdoors kayak events 

June 18th – Kayaking on the water lessons – Pre-registration REQUIRED

Event Date & Time:

  • Date: June 14, 2017
    Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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Venue Website:

1005 Commerce St, Houston, Texas, 77002, United States

Event Leader

  • Amy Hope
    Amy Hope
    Phone: 210-504-8333
    Email: amyhope@htxoutdoors.com


  • Kim
  • Ebony
  • Gilbert
  • Amy

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