Indoor Rock Climbing
Whether you’re new, experienced, a lead climber or getting back into it, there is something for you. We will belay each other, help find routes and build up strength so we can eventually head outdoors!
Take a Whipper
Whether you’re new, experienced, a lead climber or getting back into it, we have something for you. We will belay each other, help find routes and build up strength so we can eventually head outdoors!
NOTE: First time at InSPIRE Rock? Fill out the waiver online to save time. Then get there a little early as you will need to complete their belay test.
Want to learn how to belay? InSPIRE Rock has a belay class for $12,95. Or climb with us your first time and we’ll show you how. (2 people must be checked out belayers.)
Learn how to rock climb before you get to the rock. Download Rock Climbing: Before the Rock to learn what you need to know before you get to the climbing gym. We will teach you when you get there; this guide will give you a head start.
Equipment is available to rent. We will have ATC’s to share. A harness is required. Climbing shoes are your personal preference. New climbers do not necessarily need climbing shoes. Once you start climbing harder routes, climbing shoes will make all of the difference.
HTXO Members: Need to borrow gear? We will share ATCs. Email me at if you need to borrow a harness. Limited Supply. Climbing shoes are available for rent or you can wear tennis shoes. Tennis shoes will limit the level of difficulty but typically suitable for beginners.
“The term whipper comes from the whipping motion a climber will take if an unskilled belayer cuts the fall short, limiting the dynamic stretching nature of the rope and causing a pendulum effect (often into the wall). It has become synonymous, however, with a hard fall, regardless of whether the pendulum effect is achieved or not.” from wikipedia
Pay at event: Entrance: $16.95; Harness: $4; Climbing Shoes: $5; Top Rope Beley Class: $12.95 (if you already know how to belay, they will check out for free. You must know how to tie in with a figure 8. Ask your event leader before you check in.)
How to find the group: Look for Stephanie near bouldering area with an HTXoutdoors sign. After 6:30, the group will be climbing so take a look at the member directory and look around (they likely won’t have the sign with them after 6:30.)
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We frequently post photos from events and add new events to facebook. It’s a great way to keep up with events and flag the ones you are interested in so do you don’t forget! Connect Here.
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Event Date & Time:
- Date: February 7, 2017
Time: Members Only
To cancel your RSVP, please go to the "My Events" page.