Outdoor Bingo!
Public – Social Distancing doesn’t mean Social Isolation! Let’s get social with a virtual game of Bingo!!
Social Distancing doesn’t mean Social Isolation! Let’s get social with a virtual game of Bingo!!
Later today, we’ll post a Bingo sheet here https://www.facebook.com/events/603114350280998/ Throughout the weekend, see how many you can find. Take pictures of each item.
Throughout the weekend, we’ll randomly pic an item from the bingo sheet. When we call the item, post your picture in the comments section!
On Sunday, everyone who has bingo can post their Bingo Sheet and the pictures you took to get bingo.
Please only use pictures you take this weekend. We’re going to host another event for your old pictures.
Get social! Comment and like other photos. Positive comments only.
How to get started!
Make sure you mark ‘Going’ to this event so you get the notification for the Bingo card.
Please follow local laws and regulations. Do not go in public places if you’re sick, where exposed or are under a mandatory self-quarantine.
When you are in public places, keep at least 6 feet between you and other people. Cover your mouth and nose if you cough or sneeze. Clean your hands.
Please avoid crowded areas. It’s best if you can walk from your house.
Event Date & Time:
- Date: April 3, 2020 - April 5, 2020
Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Add to calendar
Event Leader
Amy Hope
Phone: 210-504-8333
Email: amyhope@htxoutdoors.com
To cancel your RSVP, please go to the "My Events" page.