Risk Free

Try as many events as you want in 30 days

If you don't think you're getting your money's worth, we'll give you a full refund.  No ifs ands or buts about it!  Ain’t nobody got time for that!  We know once you go to an event, you'll be hooked!

2nd Person Annually
$384.28 / Year
2nd Person Semi-Annually
$232.74 / 6 Months
2 People Annually
$151.55 / 3 Months
HTXO Annually
$275 first year, then $250 annually
Renews automatically, cancel anytime before your next payment
35% off when paid annually
Cheapest Option
HTXO Semi-Annually
$165 every 6 months. Auto Renews. No Contracts. Cancel Anytime.
Renews automatically, cancel anytime before your next payment
21% off when paid Semi-Annually
Quarterly Membership
$113.66 / 3 Months
Renews automatically, cancel anytime before your next payment
Most Flexible Option
Monthly Membership
$39 / Month
Renews Automatically, cancel anytime before your next payment